Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I was tagged by AmyJean at The Relentless Bride, so here goes nothing. 6 things that make me happy, in no particular order...

1. David. Photobucket Phone call, text, hug.... he makes my days happier. Knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with him = happiest of all!

2. Animals
(source: Gulf World Marine Park photogs)

Dogs, dolphins, cats, horses.... if it's fuzzy and loveable, it makes me happy. Swimming with the dolphins, playing with my dog Jager at home.... great stress relief!

3. Books and reading.
I have loved to read for as long as I can remember. Curling up with a book and entering a different world makes my day. Even a bad book is better that not getting to read. In fact, the only time I was ever grounded, I wasn't allowed to read for 24 hours. That was the worst punishment my parents could come up with!

4. Disney

Yes, Disney made me happy long before David proposed. I have loved watching their movies (my all time favorite is "Beauty and the Beast," and yes, I do in fact know every single word). Going to the World is like a little piece of home, only better because everyone is happy (my saying? No crying in Disney World). Disney is a small piece of childhood that it's totally ok to pull forward into adulthood!

5. Music

Music is such a large part of my life. Yes, I'm a music teacher, yes, I met David through band and I'm a proud band geek. There is some truth to the saying that music is the universal language. A child from Iraq who barely spoke English visited our school while being treated at the local hospital - he may not have understood the words that I said, but he got into the music! Music has been my creative outlet when others failed, and it has been a soother when my heart was broken.

6. My friends and family.
Cliche though it is, I am so thankful for the people that surround me. My family has been behind me for everything I've done - my friends are there to catch me when I fall. David may not have a big family, but I'm definitely getting a "friend family" in all of his fraternity brothers!

I tag...
1. Jennifer at She Nests
2. Carly at Being Carly
3. Hannah Noel at That Girl
4. Cate Subrosa at Project Subrosa
5. Rae at NoWealthButLife
6. Erin, The Prep-E Girl, at Everything According to Erin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! This reminds me of a list I made during Lent. It was 5 things that I love to think about nightly to help facilitate gratefulness. It was such a hackneyed exercise, but really worked. Like that, this post makes me happy just by seeing your joy. I am going to have to see what I can remember, as well as think of another thing to add. Thanks for tagging!